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Change in Advance, the Podcast!!!

3 Oct

Change in Advance, the Podcast!!!

Change in Advance, the Podcast is here brought to you by

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Free financial advice, entrepreneurial advice, and tips to save money, make money, and fire your boss!

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Take Massive Action!!!

24 Sep

Take Massive Action!!!

I love this quote by Tony Robbins.

It is so powerful because it is so simple.

And yet many of us have a hard time getting it done-myself included.

I will draft a hundred articles and not complete or post them.

Yes, 100.

I write a heck of a lot but massive follow up and follow through has been hard these last 3 yrs what with

quitting my career,

starting a new one,

moving states,

and growing my family from 2 to 4 ppl.

But these are just excuses.

Who will join me in a massive call to action?

Let’s invigorate each other.

Comment when you ARE IN!!!!!

How to be the BEST…

30 Aug

How to be the BEST

If you can look at the worst that can possibly happen and be ok with that then you can move confidently forward knowing it won’t break you! 🔥

This also applies to managers workers. Handle the worst employees and customers and you will grow and excel.

Easy never made anyone better…

10 Proven Ways to Build Trust with Employees

23 Jul

10 Proven Ways to Build Trust with Employees

Let me know if you think this is trash or factual

Watch “Entrepreneurialmindset 101: What you watch occupies Your MIND” on YouTube

2 Apr

Watch “Rogue Warrior: entrepreneur inspiration from a navy seal” on YouTube

25 Mar

Rogue Warrior: entrepreneur inspiration from a navy seal

I post quick crappy videos on instagram and youtube.

Yes crappy.

It is the message I want you to get not the frills and special effects.

Knowing When To Rest

25 Mar

Knowing When To Rest

This is perhaps the most important factor in my success journey I learned in 2018.

Not getting enough rest:

Clouds judgement

Surrender is freedom

5 Mar

Surrender is freedom

I could write you, my readers 100 articles on

how to make momey,

How to save money,

how to blog,

how to market,

and so on and so forth.

But it would all be worthless.

You see I am learning now I have to surrender.

Surrender my fear.

Surrender my angst.

Surrender my procrastination.

By giving up trying to control everything myself, in my flesh, I am finding peace and strength.

Now there is nothing wrong with a plan, a controlled effort exerted to predict and control outcomes.

But if we don’t surrender control of the negatives in ourlives we do not make way for positives.

Think of it this way: if my pantry is stocked with goods that expired in 2016, I can not eat them. And if I do not discard them then there is no room for fresh supply.

What are you holding onto?

What have you not surrendered?

Admission of the week: I am not as financially prepared as I need to be

16 Feb

Admission of the week:

I am not as financially prepared as I need to be.

So no long story or fancy financial news or social media hacks today.

Today what I have for you is a stark admission- I am not financially prepared to a level I need to be or should be given the amount of financial intelligence I possess.

I know how to make money. I know how to save money. I know how to be resourceful. The problem is I haven’t put all these skills together. Now as my own lawyer I will say I left my home state and job career excetera to relocate with my family when it was only three people deep and now there’s four people deep cuz my next son is coming in 2 months. Now I can say that that was the reason I could not get ahead. But I’ll be honest and say that the impetus of having a family should have moved me before I had a family. I know that’s a lot to swallow it’s a simple fact and a basic truth. I did not commit when I should have. I was having making some money having some Investments and getting some stocks.

And yes I own some Tesla and some Sprint and some muscle farm and some other companies. But it is not enough. My family deserves so much more. And you know what, in all honesty my peace of mind deserves more. When we say we do it for our family or friends are Legacy excetera that’s all great oh, but you should be doing it for yourself. I should be dominating the world because I want to. And I want to. I just kind of quit when things got comfortable. The lesson tonight is simply don’t get comfortable build build build, sleep when you’re dead.

Inside the Brain of a CEO, a quick Infographic

21 Jan

Inside the Brain of a CEO, a quick Infographic that I found informative.

Comment if you agree.