Tag Archives: marketing

Elon Musk the idiot: a Podcast on Marketing

16 Dec

Elon Musk the idiot:

a Podcast on Marketing

In this latest podcast we discuss Elon Musk and his behaviors. Marketing strategies and the ugly duckling he calls a truck.

The Importance of Branding

18 Apr

My article as seen in Moov Magazine: The Importance of Branding

Branding, what is that?

You mean Betty Crocker? Air Jordan? Bayer? Nike and Just do it?

YES, to all of the above.

Branding isn’t a buzzword, it is in many ways the lifeblood of your company/business/product.So what is branding?In a nutshell Branding is psychology and your product meeting the market head-on. You can have an amazing products but products have a short lifespan compared to your brand. Let’s take Nike for example they have had thousands upon thousands of shoes with thousands upon thousands of variants on said shoes- but the brand perseveres. When Kraft bought Cadbury for 19.5 billion did they buy recipes? Chocolate?Factories? The answer is a simple no.They bought the brand.Now more than ever your brand is vastly important. As we have entered the internet age your brand can now be seen globally, therefore it can speak for you without you even being there. The strongest Brands out now have a cultural movement not just a social media feel to them.If you look at Toms shoes or some of the new water companies they all have a mission, not just a product that you buy and feel good about. You are joining a movement. You are helping save lives, or transform the planet. In essence they have tapped into your inner being to get you to agree on value. After all, is this not how we price things out- we come to an agreement on the terms of 1 items value?Lastly besides giving your products a purpose Branding can give you differentiation. There are hundreds of cereal brands in the same aisle in every Supermarket across America. But the one that has the brand that speaks to you will take your dollars and your loyalty. And this my friends is what brading is all about. A key concept you buy into gladly and you follow blindly for years. Now that may sound negative to some but let me put it to you like this: Every car I have ever bought is a Honda.Why?Simple I buy into the brand as it is valuable and durable and my dollars worth. And I’ll bet you can find the same examples in your own life.Questions?Concerns?Comments?Feel free to message me at Tony@changeinadvance.com

Infographic: 55 SEO tips for Small Businesses

15 Jul

The Infographic: 55 SEO tips for Small Businesses is an excellent resource for the small business owner. Getting SEO right is no small task, but this is a great primer to get you moving in the right direction.

Quick Infographic on how to market your video game for Profitability

10 Jul

This Quick Infographic on how to Market your video game for Profitability has some concise, fantastic info that should help those love you that are into developing games and apps. This is a way a lot of people are making money these days.

Seek your fortune.

Infographic: How Advertising Makes Us Buy

30 Jun

Infographic: How Advertising Makes Us buy.

There is some great info here so take in the details and apply them.

YouTube SEO: A Primer on What NOT To Do

9 Jun

YouTube SEO: A Primer on What NOT To Do


Well, folks, it is official- I am a fool of epic proportions.

You see I was trying to churn out that content, videos, blog posts, tweets, Instagram, Tumblr, you name it. And considering myself savvy I set about using the basic apps on my smartphone.

You hear the sound of the fool train coming right?

So I filmed my famous crappy videos and posted them on the various social media outlets. Done. Mission accomplished.


As you can see from the videos I wasn’t using any of the tools at my disposal. What makes it worse is the tools are provided at no cost from YouTube! So a younger guy at my job told me today I had it all backwards, and he’s a smart kid so I fire up the old interwebs and boom, He is 2000% correct.

My views are trash on almost every video. Well actually they are trash for traffic building, sales, brand awareness- you name it. I was just feeling pleased as one video a year old has 1400+ views. HA! Eat that Boston Lloyd!

I’ve spent the last few hours learning some basics, and adding keywords to my videos- video by video. Yes I am a fool don’t be me.

Rather than sell you something or rehash what I learned I want you to click this link: link-assistant

There are tools, free and at cost and a plethora of advice.

Live Brolic!

Free Producttivity App: Textkraft Pocket for iOS

25 Sep

Being productive is the Cornerstone of achieving your goals along with being organized. So get this free app and get busy!

Click pic for download

Don’t work for free 

19 Aug

Now here is a great concept I can get behind.

In his free ebook Don’t Give Your Work Away for Free Thaddeus cooper expounds on the gig economy and how anyone can profit from effort done once- REPEATEDLY. 

I won’t say more folks, read and learn.

Oh, and Earn.

Live Brolic!

Business tip of the week: Answer Your emails!

27 Jul

Business tip of the week: Answer emails from coworkers employees and prospective customers immediately. 

So folks I had a guy offer me a job and I was actually excited to take it as a side job to build revenue so I could put money into my business as this will be short-term. 

However the terms changed; which happens in business

We can all relate to that

However, when I was trying to get some finalized answers on how we would proceed I had to wait 24 hours for one answer and now it’s been 24 hours without the finalized answer to this first answer. Now if that sounds convoluted it is because it is convoluted. 

There is no reason not to give bad news good news or just any news that relates to a business transaction or business Endeavor as fast as you humanely can. 

Now most of my readers know you need to answer the prospective client ASAP No Doubt -but folks let’s not forget to answer the people we work with, we may work with, we work for, we work alongside, Pick a way you want to say that -but it is a common courtesy to make sure you answer all the emails from a person you get not just the ones you feel comfortable- or between your PS4 games or in those other little distractions you have.

 Good business is consistent communication.

Instagram Success, is not SocialEnvy

26 May

So you want to be a boss. 

You see the guys on  IG flashing bling and riding in brabus Mercedes Benz​. And you want to get there, and fast.  So you hit trusty old Google and find that getting followers enmass means you can sell shoutouts and and charge people for all kind of silly favors that add up to big bucks. The question is how do you get the followers? That’s when you find instagress. 

Instagress promises you followers Galore and a guaranteed famous face on Instagram.  For a fee instagress will get you thousands upon thousands of followers. These followers they are Bots. Many of you probably remember when Instagram cut the cord on millions of accounts that had fake followers. Overnight accounts were cut down to their true levels. And the famous people they got cut too. Akon a massive hit in the Millions.  No one with fake followers was safe. Instagram which is owned by Facebook did an exceptional job of exposing the fakes.  Then just recently in 2017 instagress shuttered its doors and with a Twitter apology said they were sorry and that customers could submit for refunds.

The lesson here is that it doesn’t matter if you get fake followers fake comments or fake likes or All the Above-Instagram will find you. And when they do you won’t lose followers or comments or likes. You will lose credibility. 

And that credibility matters more to your brand, to your business, and to your fans, followers, and customers. 

Oh yeah you will lose those followers comments and like that you paid for. As well as the respect you earned from your real followers and the dollars they would have spent with you. 

There is a solution however, which I will cover soon.

Stay tuned.