Tag Archives: Winning

Like basketball? Check out my friend!

4 May

Click the pic to begin your journey towards excellence

Winners win.

How to win at network marketing 

18 Oct

Does Winning mean everything to you?

What is Victory?

Answer this and comment for step 2.

Live Brolic?!

Sure, Play the Lottery…

16 Jun

Sure, Play the Lottery…

“40% of low income adults consider the lottery their best chance to ever acquire a large sum of money. As a result low earners spend a much bigger share of their income on the lottery than higher earners.

Unfortunately the lottery Is a dreadful investment. It typically pays out only 60% of its take. Far less than any casino or race track would dare offer. ” -think like a freak.

Makes more sense to start/join a business venture.

The riches are in the niches.

Choice is yours.

That is all.


No one goes to the Olympics for silver.

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IS FEAR Killing Your Future?

11 May

IS FEAR Killing Your Future?
It’s a really simple question that a lot of people don’t ask. And it is fear that gags them, preventing that question

Fear is what I call Emotional Cancer. It is acute, pervasive, and far reaching. It will permeate your every thought, action, and emotion if you are not on guard against it.
Fear is simply the belief that what u are afraid of is stronger than what you are capable of. Nothing more.
How do I know?
I’m scared as hell.
Every time I write an article, I approach clients, and when I make music. It never fails. Speaking to an audience kills me. I learned the hard way that my fear had a little dollar amount. It could be marked in an accounting ledger as consecutive losses as I was deeply afraid of recruiting people.
Have you been there? I’d bet many of you have been in my shoes.
Fear of rejection was killing my business.
I actually started blogging out of fear. I was afraid to speak so I figured I’d write.
Cheap cop out I know.
But I did play my strong suit against my weakness so it was kind of a smart idea.
However, I wasn’t fighting the fear.

I have good news though folks-
Fear wins wars as well.
You see when a Lawyer is victorious in court he has fear on his side. When the last seed team triumphs over series kings, it is fear that they conquered.
Fear is a great motivator. My fear of failure could paralyze an elephant. And in the past I’ve let it be my achilles heal. I’m naturally a speaker. I can run my mouth and build a case in my head rapidly and then present it with panache and pride, just not in front of recruits and perspective buyers.
Sounds ridiculous right?
How did I beat this fear- I Spoke.
That’s it.
I wanted to interview the guy who owns the gym I frequent- so I asked.
I wanted an interview with my favorite two lyricists- so I asked.
And I got a yes each and every time- across the board.
Has everyone I asked said yes?
Of course not.
I get a lot of no’s. More than before actually. But I wasn’t getting a single yes by staying silent. It’s called playing the game.
If I was a batter in Major League Baseball- and I refused to swing I might get the occasional walk from the pitcher at the mound. More likely than not I’d just have a 0 batting average and be dropped from the team regardless of cost.
Ted Williams used the press to motivate him. He fed their caustic opinions of him- and then he fed off it.
It gave him power.
It gave him fuel.
And he is a legend now decades after his passing.
Back to that lawyer I mentioned. If he knew every minutiae of the law but never made an opening argument could he win a case?
Imagine Thurgood Marshall letting fear speak for him. No. Never.
Good leaders, heck good people simply fight fear and make it their slave.
When you master fear you can conquer the world.

My last point is Christopher Columbus: the Church wanted to kill him, the people doubted him, he was considered a heretic in many circles. Now we could argue about his being a mass murderer if you want- or we could look at the fact that he refused to let fear stop him. If he was wrong he would literally sail off the earth, die, or be executed after years of suffering at sea.
Instead I get a day off every year due to his action (get the hint: do it- act don’t let fear castrate you).


No one goes to the Olympics for silver.

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20 Feb


Winning Is A Habit, So Is Losing

23 Dec

Winning Is A Habit, So Is Losing.

It’s that simple. Not easy, but simple.
Everything in life requires work. Success is not a gift it is a habit.

The secret to your success is found in your daily habits.
What you do daily is exactly what you will be. Michael Jordan wasn’t a phenom from birth. He practiced, then practiced some more, and then worked at it more after the game. Derek Jeter came out of the Yankees farm system to rise to the title of captain. His love of the game and dedication ot constant improvement made him a leader amongst men. Clearly there is a correlation between actions and success.

What You Do You Become.
In life you are your actions. People who eat too much are obese. People who skip school don’t graduate. The guy who boozed it up, he still boozes. Enough of failure- Wayne Gretzky was relentless he became Hockey’s greatest by sheer action. He played the game. He took advice. He did it all. Ted Williams has one of the top batting averages in baseball. Why? He worked at it. He questioned pitchers to see what they did and how they saw the game. He got into the mind of his opponent. He read up. He practiced. He worked his butt off. Are you doing the same?

Who you Associate With You ARE.
I’m sorry for the harsh words to come- but if you roll with losers you are a loser quite literally. Your best friend smokes weed in his pops basement and talks about what he will do one day, rather than doing something- he’s losing. Your roommate works at Arby’s and thinks he will run the franchise- but he is late most shifts and the customers constantly complain about his lack of effort, yup he is the winner-NOT!
We can’t be more than what we aim to be. Ever see the Olympics? The best have to be vetted to be with the best. And from there the hard work only increases. Do you think that would work if they let slackers in?
Is your country inclined to win multiple Gold medals if just anyone can get on the team? Sorry it doesn’t work that way. Excellence breeds excellence. And excellence feeds off excellence. Indeed if you are even competing against losers I’d say you have lost already.
Back to Ted Williams. He did a variation on this. Ted let the reports who chased him fuel him. He fed their hatred and this became a tool to make him better. Even in using his adversaries he sought those who could challenge him. He didn’t focus on the nobodies. He didn’t deal with the guys who weren’t there every game- why? They weren’t serious. The writer who focuses on a topic is at every game, every event.
Life isn’t a past time and your passion shouldn’t be either.

You have to decide Simply whether you will Be a Winner or a Loser.


“I find the Harder I work the Luckier I am.”
-Thomas Jefferson

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Core Concepts, Some Old Some New

27 Aug

Core Concepts, Some Old Some New.

So I’m going to be a bit erratic today folks.
I’m going to cover some stuff I’ve spoke on and some stuff that’s eluded my fans and myself as well. I’m also going to go out of order. Better said- I’m going to use these four core concepts in an order that I think precedes success.
-Put in the time
-Follow through.

That’s it folks. Four core concepts that can change your business, change your life.
Let’s dig in!

-Put in the time.
I don’t care who you are or what your deal is. You will get nowhere if your dream, plan, scheme is a hobby. Sorry it’s a fact. You are a failure before you even dig in. Mastery of anything takes 10,000 hours.
Don’t have ten thousand hours to get rich? To be perpetually wealthy?
See you at the finish line after you’re lapped. I don’t care who you are or what your troubles and time constraints are.
Make time for your future. Make time to be free forever so you don’t miss the games with the kids or that super bowl vacation you only dreamed of before. Start small. Use your lunch breaks and bathroom time to sharpen your mind. When you have coffee read to build strategies from authors who have done it before you. Turn off the television. And xbox, ps3, not going to put cash into your roth ira is it?
Everyone has an hour a day for starters. Find yours.

You don’t get anything done well without it. Focus is the key that unlocks your dreams and desires. Chaos creates only more chaos. A focused mind however will guide and create. A focused mind is a tool that when honed to perfection will find cashflow and residual income. However you have to avoid the distractions. Turn off the tv- see a trend there? After that make sure you fill your time with productive tasks. The gym, education, reading. Make lists of what you need to do and the dollar amounts to reach on the road to financial freedom. When you are doing the tasks and steps that are required for your business- do only that. Multitasking detracts for most people. When you’re at work you work right? Well at your own venture you must be that much more focused.

Mentors are great. A good mentor will for many mean the difference between success and failure. A mentor can illuminate the path for you whether you are in the same business or not. A mentor will help you see the mistakes you are making and help you skip a few they made themselves. My mentors are both highly successful and one is even in my current venture. However the one who isn’t is still there when I have questions and needs. His willingness to help and his thirst for knowledge and self growth are not only infectious but influential.
Accountability is a key aspect of a good mentor. They will ask you the questions you hoipe they won’t. They will want answers when you fail. They will require you work harder. And they need not gain from your success to be effective. A mentor may cost you money and they may not charge a dime. be aware thought hat you get what you pay for.
Lastly, the mentor I speak to most frequently asked me one question and pointed out my greatest flaw in my business endeavors. Do you see the power?

-Follow through.
So you got your focused mindset and your putting in 3 hours a day with a fifteen hour minimum. Awesome! You even found a mentor and things are smooth. Their pricing is reasonable and your learning curve has been exciting.
Life isn’t simply trying and applying. You have to repeat the process. Over and over and over. That’s it. No compromise, no hoping it was enough. Make it enough. Every action that breeds success must be repeated over and over. Not only will you become more successful but you will become better at these steps as you complete them repeatedly. NBA, NFL, MLB- all require repetitive motion to rise to the top. Ask Jeter. Ask Ted Williams. Ask Ray Allen. Ask Kobe Bryant. They don’t win and then slack. In the off season they work. And if you have competition for your business- buddy, you better believe your competition is training when you’re sleeping. That is the nature of the beast. Practice your craft. And then make practicing your practice a step. Sounds odd, I know. But you will get me when you see how it builds for you.


“Train your mind to be like a hammer… you will see every problem as a nail”………………………..gn.

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They Don’t Convert!

21 Aug

They Don’t Convert!

So a lot of my readers are in networking marketing it would seem from the feedback I receive. And there are a few repetitious themes. The big ones are leads and conversions. Now we’ve spoke on this before but a mentor spoke some simple wisdom into my ear and I refuse not to share it.

If you’re a network marketer you already know that new leads, new recruits and consistent conversions are the only way your business will grow. Even if you’re a human dynamo without a great and expansive team behind you struggle will be your middle name. I have two or three mentors and all of them build well. I say two or three because one of these fine fellows isn’t a direct mentor but his methodologies and the courses I’ve bought of his qualify him as such. I even has a pseudo mentor. And he was only concerned with numbers. See the issue my friends? My mentors build teams. It isn’t to sign you fast and ‘on to the nex one’ as Jay-z put it. Its sign you up, teach you, train you, drill- repeat. This in turn builds a legacy. Not just money but a team that is long standing, appreciative, humble, and whole. And that is success.

The other guy is bouncing from business to business he always has a quick idea and a new biz for me to join. The problem here is that I can’t depend on him. He says he’s there but when people don’t stick he doesn’t either. He’s had five, yes 5 businesses in two years. And two jobs. Now that is hustle. And its also divide focus. Its also a sign that he goes after dollars so fast he doesn’t care about the people. And he was in Zeek big time. Not putting down Zeek but I have needs, we all do. Leaders need training too. My first mentor is in a business I left. And he still mentors me! This man is great. He’s accomplished, learned, and cool. If not for his product I’d have stayed. He is more than his leads. He is a leader.

Now as for the next issue:
-Everyone wants leads.
And as we have said before your network won’t grow or your business without them. Now you can do Solo ads, youtube, blogs et al. But you have to have a system in place. And you have to offer more than pipe dreams. Most people have been approached by someone who does mlm or network marketing or even just a different insurance carrier. Yet few are approached by leaders and innovators. Are you one or the other? Are you both? If not aim to be. You lead by doing and by caring. That’s it. Innovation; hey you don’t have to invent the wheel as the saying goes- just see the methods and tools for what they are. FASTER. People are creating tools and concepts and scripts at a rate that baffles the mind. The only question left is if you will chase these down and spend the money. Sorry folks but it takes money to make money. Get it done folks.

-Everyone is worried about conversions.
First don’t be. Not everyone converts. That’s a FACT. And the less you care the better you do. Not to say you should be blazay towards your business or life- yet there is a fine line between care and being fanatical. A no isn’t the end of the world. Ask every married guy. We all heard a NO a few times. Every guy in fact has asked a girl out and gotten rejected. No biggie the girls out number us guys. And in life and business its the same. Accept the no. Heck, let them be your motivation to exceed.
Second why are you chasing conversions?
You know what the real meat of this article is? Simple: they aren’t converting- FIND NEW PEOPLE. What do you think every business in the world does. Coke and Pepsi don’t cry at losses in the profit margin. They create diversified income streams that lead to larger profits and less risk.
So in turn, you- WE must do the same.
When people don’t convert don’t brow beat them. Move On. Either you failed or they don’t want in. Not a problem. The solution is two fold:
You sharpen your game.
You get new leads.
And ill only speak on the second part as you should be doing the first one daily. Instead of ostracizing your leads and or friends and family and warm and cold markets- you get more leads. That’s it.
You recruit every where you go.
You ask people you are afraid to.
You buy the leads if you have to.
It doesn’t matter how but you GET MORE LEADS. You share your knowledge, your passion, and your vision and you will win

So next time you are gum- get more leads. Find New People.


Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you’re signed up for a season, see it through. You don’t have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through. -Jim Rohn

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Traffic’s irrelevant.

13 Aug

Traffic’s Irrelevant.

Ok. Its a total reversal. But traffic is pointless. I think I learned this in two places:
-Ray Higdon.
(@rayhigdon follow and tell him I sent you) Ray Higdons doing away with online affiliate marketing to be his best in one place and one place only.

-And my closing three new students in a week on the strength of my blog.
I’m not an A student. I’m not magna cum laude.
I don’t pen prolific prose at the drop of a dime. Or as it tickles my fancy.
However I do pour my heart into my posts. And yup I missed a few days. Life got hectic.
Injuries, family, moving, bah.
No excuses.
I dropped the ball. What did I learn? Nothing. I just remembered that even Jordan missed shots. Yup, old #23.
So I quit.
I’m not buying SEO. I’m not giving freebies to lure clients. I’m not bribing, buying, or doing the things we do to win. I’m not going to do much of anything. I’m simply going to blog. And do it to the best of my efforts. And I’m going to learn. So I blog better. So you surpass me. So you make it to the top. I won’t lie. I like to win. I love reaching my goals. But when you get there too; or even before I do. That’s better than fine cognac. Its a taste of heaven. And the internet is forever. So my victory will be as well. Shoot for the moon, and get to Mars. The stars’ll always be there.

To close this one out let me make one more point. Missing shots and keep takin’em- its a big deal. Its almost key. However. Being Authentic is the cats meow as my cousin would say. You see I blog what I like when I like. And I blog ME. Any point I make I agree with or will tell you why not. Every I article I write comes to me out of my own little methodology. I stick with my wits and my pen. Well, blackberry these days. I type what’s real. I don’t do fluff pieces or take article gigs. I only write for me and my followers. And of course the people I mentor. They have made me much sharper and I’m blessed to have them.

And so my friends remember:
These two things will sharpen your skills and resolve while increasing your success and personal growth. And in the end you can’t get one without the other. Grow, give. Grow. Give. And all the while; Keep It Real.


“Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose– a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.”~
Mary Shelley

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Education or Embellishment- What are you offering clients, customers, and cousins?

13 Aug

Education or Embellishment-
What are you offering clients, customers, and cousins?

Life is short. Making time a valuable commodity. The question is who’s time are you wasting when you don’t educate your followers, fans, friends, colleagues, and new recruits? The answer might surprise you.

A lot of people who are in network marketing or any sales and or
team-orientated business are focused on two things:
And hey those are good goals. Core goals in fact. However its the chase, and the implementation of the chase that will make or break you as a business person.

So the first guy, he’s all about sales. Commission king is on his license plate. He closes’em twenty four seven. He can sell anyone. And his close rate is high! I mean sixty percent (60%). That is high in our industry folks. Most people close three to five percent, yup- 3-5%. Those are good numbers like in baseball where three hits is a win. keep that in mind. So back to super closer. Yes he’s am Animal. Problem is he his retention rate, well it Sucks. Sorry for the latrine lip but he’s a fool. A failure. And here’s why.
*When you can’t keep your Team. You NEVER Had Your team.
See the problem? When your focus is on closing it isn’t on keeping. And a lot of guys close hard by promising the sky knowing statistics say otherwise. Now I’m not suggesting you say,
‘hey buddy-you will fail but sign up anyway.’ No. You say ‘This is a long ride but worth the trip. Wanna be better, wanna make money, wanna change lives?- Well let’s work bro!”. That is real. That is honest. And it is not negative. It is not false, phony or pretentious either. See how good it is. Why lie. Why sell hype. You see America, better yet the globe is poised for a serious reckoning. We have kicked the can down the road for decades. And when you duck bills you lose right? Example- ever pay just the minimum on a credit card? See how long it takes? And how much they juice you? EXACTLY. So why be that. Get them in with honesty. Friendship. Teaching. Partnership. Let them know that you will teach. Let them know the truth. Let them be happy with their choices. And they will come back. They will stay. They will make goals. Isn’t that the dream.

And as for captain recruit- well he’s more of the same. He says anything and anything to get the dotted line signed. He will tell you lies cleverly phrased to seal the deal. His embellishments are delightful to hear but are lies on the ear.
See when you focus on getting your team to grow you have the same problem as captain commission.
Aka they sign, they join, they LEAVE.
This is failure, this is foolhardy. It is not winning. You may get a quick infusion of cash but you are not a leader.
You are not a winner.
You have failed without even seeing it.
As leaders and team builders we have to foster growth. You don’t buy a plant or plant a vegetable garden and not water it right?
Follow up. Finish the game. Anyone see the Olympics? That one runner who tore his achilles and kept running- that’s a leader.
That’s a BOSS.
That is what business means. You move.
You keep momentum.
You keep going and you make sure your team has a shot regardless of personal cost. And you know what? That guy WON the Olympics. He gave when he had nothing to give. That is leadership. Now if can harness even a taste of that you will win for LIFE.
The question is what are you aiming for?
Give more now and reap that sowing later my friends.
(Figure out who’s time is wasted here?)


“A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.”
-Jim Rohn.

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